National Weather Service forecast for Taos Ski Valley at 10,000 ft.

National Weather Service forecast for Village of Taos Ski Valley


Expect cool summer days and crisp nights. July and August are the rainy months. Afternoon thundershowers are common, so it's best to get your ride or hike in early. Snowfall usually begins in mid October and ends in late April or early May.


In summer, high temperatures on Northside are usually in the low to upper 60s during the day and often in the 40s at night. It could literally rain or snow any time in this alpine environment. Storms can come up fast and it can cool off dramatically in a matter of minutes. Most of the time, however, it will be nice and temperate, with bright sunshine and clear blue skies.


It's a smart idea to bring rain gear, as afternoon thunderstorms are very common and can move in quickly. Mornings are typically clear blue skies, so don't be fooled.  Temperatures cool off fast in an alpine environment with a little cloud cover.


The Village of Taos Ski Valley is generally around 15 degrees cooler than Taos.


Avg. July high is 76 degrees (for the Village of Taos Ski Valley)


Average Rainfall - 20.5 inches

Average Number of Sunny Days - 290

Average Snowfall - 321 inches




  • Town of Taos - 6,950 ft.
  • Taos Ski Valley - 9,207 ft.
  • Northside - 10,000 ft. to 12,163 ft.
  • Wheeler Peak (highest point in New Mexico) - 13,161 ft.


View of Kachina Peak and Lake Fork from Frazer Mountain.

Northside at Taos Ski Valley